
The all-in-one AI super-client for enterprise orgs

Octaipus Logo
Use AI to help your company do work! Chat with ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and Mistral; all from one web app. Send them messages one at a time or send the same prompt to them all! Super-secure and cost-controlled. It’s amazing!

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Software Dev Firms: Turn your Junior Devs into Senior Devs with Octaipus to save money and time resulting in better code.

⚡Advanced Features⚡

Multi-Model Prompting
Integrated Web Search
File & Image Uploads

⬆️Future Upgrades⬆️

Custom Prompt Templates
Cost & Budget Controls
Automatic User Monitoring
Information Super-Security
Image & Art Generation
Realistic Text-to-Speech
Audio & Video Transcription
Browser Extension
Per-Client Workspaces
Desktop & Mobile Apps
Secret Data Censorship
Image Manipulation Tools


📄Output Samples📄

Observe the power of AI and how it can help your business!

Ecommerce Product Description
( Input Image )


Step aboard a world of imaginative play with this exquisitely crafted 6-inch metal die-cast school bus toy. From the moment your child lays eyes on this vintage-inspired beauty, they’ll be captivated by the astonishing attention to detail that brings this miniature marvel to life.

The exterior of the bus is a study in authenticity, from the iconic yellow paint job with its eye-catching checkered side pattern to the finely crafted roof-mounted luggage rack. The chrome-like accents glisten in the light, while the realistic rubber tires provide a smooth, satisfying roll across any surface.

But the magic truly begins when your child peeks inside. The interior is a revelation, boasting an intricately designed seating area that looks and feels just like the real thing. The driver’s compartment is equally impressive, with a steering wheel, dashboard, and other details that will make your little one feel like they’re really in the driver’s seat.

Of course, this die-cast wonder is more than just a pretty face. With its sturdy metal construction, it’s built to withstand countless hours of rigorous play. Whether it’s zooming down the hallway, navigating a maze of building blocks, or simply being admired on a shelf, this bus is designed to go the distance. The smooth-rolling wheels and easy-to-grip size make it a breeze for little hands to maneuver, ensuring that playtime is always a joy.

But perhaps the most endearing quality of this school bus toy is its ability to grow with your child. As they move from simple push-and-pull play to more complex storytelling and imagination, this bus will be right there with them, ready to embark on any adventure they can dream up. It’s the perfect addition to any collection of toy vehicles, and its timeless charm means it will never go out of style.

Best of all, this die-cast school bus is more than just a toy – it’s a treasured keepsake in the making. Its unparalleled quality and nostalgic appeal make it the kind of toy that will be cherished for generations, passed down from sibling to sibling, from parent to child. It’s a symbol of the enduring power of play and a reminder of the magic of childhood.

So why wait? Bring home this extraordinary 6-inch metal die-cast school bus toy today, and watch as your child’s imagination soars to new heights. With its irresistible blend of authenticity, durability, and charm, it’s sure to become a beloved companion for years to come.

Emotional LinkedIn Comments
( Input Image )


Agreement (50 words): I completely agree that responsible AI development is crucial as these systems become more prevalent. Algorithmic biases, privacy concerns, and unintended consequences must be thoroughly addressed. It’s reassuring to see industry leaders recognizing the importance of ethical considerations alongside technological advancement. We all have a role to play in ensuring AI benefits society.

Concern (50 words): The rapid growth of AI is indeed concerning without proper oversight and risk mitigation. Even with good intentions, flawed algorithms can perpetuate biases and infringe on privacy at an unprecedented scale. We must prioritize developing robust frameworks for accountability and safety before further expanding AI’s reach. The stakes are too high.

Optimistic (50 words): While valid concerns exist, I’m optimistic that with responsible development, AI has immense potential to improve lives. By proactively addressing risks and embedding ethics into the design process, we can unlock AI’s benefits while minimizing downsides. Collaboration between ethicists, policymakers, and technologists will be key to realizing AI’s positive impact.

Skeptical (50 words): Bold claims about AI “replacing” jobs seem premature. While narrow AI is progressing rapidly, we’re still far from artificial general intelligence rivaling human cognition across domains. AI will augment and change many roles, but wholesale job automation is unlikely anytime soon. Focused concern on near-term issues is most constructive.

Neutral (50 words): This post highlights important considerations as AI capabilities grow. Proactively identifying and mitigating risks related to bias, privacy, safety and workforce impact will be an ongoing process as the technology evolves. Balancing innovation with responsible development practices will be critical for realizing AI’s benefits while navigating challenges that emerge.

Image Generation of Robot Octopus

Here are the generated images of a robotic AI octopus in a vibrant coral reef:

Company Announcement with Speech Sample

Generated Speech -> George Voice:


GigaFactory Team,

We, the management, want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your incredible support and participation in our recent charity drive. Your generosity and compassion have truly made a difference in the lives of children battling cancer.

We are thrilled to announce that together, we raised an astonishing $53,000! This money will go directly towards providing essential medical care, emotional support, and hope for these brave young fighters and their families.Your dedication to this cause, on top of your daily commitment to excellence at GigaFactory, is a testament to the extraordinary character of this team.

You have shown that our company is more than just a workplace; it is a community that cares deeply about making a positive impact on the world.

We are incredibly proud to work alongside such a remarkable group of individuals. Your kindness and generosity have touched the lives of countless children and their loved ones. Thank you for embodying the spirit of GigaFactory and proving that together, we can achieve great things.

With gratitude, The GigaFactory Management Team

How Outsourcing Firms can use AI

Claude and ChatGPT can assist this business process outsourcing (BPO) company in several ways:

  1. Customer Support and Query Handling:
  • Claude and ChatGPT can be integrated into the company’s customer support channels (chat, email, phone) to handle initial queries, provide information, and offer basic troubleshooting.
  • They can engage in natural language conversations, understand context, and provide relevant responses, reducing the load on human agents.
  1. Data Entry and Processing:
  • With their ability to understand and process large amounts of data, Claude and ChatGPT can assist in tasks like data entry, data extraction, and data validation, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
  • They can also help in organizing and structuring data for further analysis or reporting.
  1. Content Creation and Curation:
  • These AI assistants can create high-quality content such as articles, reports, marketing materials, and social media posts, saving time and resources for the company.
  • They can also curate and summarize relevant information from various sources, keeping the company updated with industry trends and developments.
  1. Language Translation and Localization:
  • Given the company’s global client base, Claude and ChatGPT can provide language translation services, ensuring effective communication across different languages and cultures.
  • They can also assist in localizing content and materials, adapting them to specific regions or markets.
  1. Training and Onboarding:
  • Claude and ChatGPT can create training materials, manuals, and interactive tutorials for onboarding new employees or upskilling existing staff.
  • They can also act as virtual assistants, providing on-demand support and guidance during the training process.
  1. Process Automation and Optimization:
  • By understanding the company’s workflows and processes, these AI assistants can identify areas for automation and optimization, streamlining operations and improving efficiency.
  • They can also assist in developing and implementing automation scripts or tools, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors.
  1. Market Research and Competitive Analysis:
  • Claude and ChatGPT can gather and analyze data from various sources, providing insights into market trends, customer preferences, and competitor activities.
  • This information can help the company make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

It’s important to note that while AI assistants like Claude and ChatGPT can significantly enhance the company’s operations, they should be used in conjunction with human expertise and oversight to ensure ethical and responsible deployment.

Python Program to Calculate Solar Distance

Creating a program to calculate the distance from the Earth to the Sun on an arbitrary date involves a few components: a GUI for user input using Tkinter, and a calculation method to determine the distance based on the provided date. The distance varies throughout the year due to the elliptical shape of Earth’s orbit, but for simplicity, you might use Kepler’s laws or an approximation formula for this exercise.

Here’s a simplified version of such a program:

  1. Install the required libraries. You might need numpy and astronomy for date and orbital mechanics handling. You can install them via pip:

    shpip install numpy
  2. Below is the Python code using Tkinter for the GUI:

pythonimport tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np

def calculate_distance(date):
    # Simplified calculation for the distance from Earth to Sun
        dt = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
    except ValueError:
        messagebox.showerror("Invalid Date", "Please enter a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format")

    # Number of days in the current year
    days_in_year = 365.25

    # Calculate the day of the year
    start_of_year = datetime(dt.year, 1, 1)
    day_of_year = (dt - start_of_year).days + 1

    # Approximation of Earth's orbital eccentricity
    eccentricity = 0.0167

    # Mean distance from Earth to Sun in AU
    mean_distance = 1.0  # 1 Astronomical Unit (~149.6 million km)

    # Compute the distance
    theta = (2 * np.pi * day_of_year) / days_in_year
    distance = mean_distance * (1 - eccentricity * np.cos(theta))

    return distance * 149597870.7  # Convert AU to km

def calculate_button_clicked():
    date = entry_date.get()
    distance = calculate_distance(date)
    if distance:
        result_label.config(text=f"Distance: {distance:.2f} km")

# Create the main window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Earth to Sun Distance Calculator")

# Create widgets
label = tk.Label(root, text="Enter date (YYYY-MM-DD):")

entry_date = tk.Entry(root)

calculate_button = tk.Button(root, text="Calculate Distance", command=calculate_button_clicked)

result_label = tk.Label(root, text="", font=("Helvetica", 14))

# Run the application


  1. GUI Setup:

    • The program uses tkinter to create the GUI.
    • An entry widget allows users to input the date.
    • A button triggers the calculation.
  2. Calculation Logic:

    • Converts the input date to a day of the year.
    • Computes the distance using a simplified orbital equation which assumes an elliptical orbit.
    • Based on the provided date, it calculates the theta angle to estimate the distance.
  3. Display Results:

    • Outputs the calculated distance in kilometers.

This program provides a basic approximation and can be further refined for precise calculations involving more complex orbital mechanics or using astronomical libraries.

Remove Image Background of Car

Here is the original image:

Here is the image with the background removed by AI:

Poem about AI-Assisted Programming

In this age of AI innovation,
Coding help is just a conversation.
With ChatGPT-4, Claude, and Gemini,
Assistance is yours, oh my, oh mi!

ChatGPT-4, the master of code,
Its knowledge vast, a treasure trove.
From Python to Ruby, it knows the score,
Generating solutions, forevermore!

With natural language, you can explain,
Your coding woes, your project’s pain.
ChatGPT-4 listens with attentive ear,
And offers solutions, crystal clear!

Gemini, the bug-hunting star,
Scans your code from near and far.
It spots the errors, big and small,
And helps you fix them, once and for all!

With Gemini’s keen and watchful eye,
Your code will run, no more “Oh my!”
It’s like a guardian angel, always there,
To keep your programs in good repair!

And then there’s Claude, the wise and bold,
A mentor worth its weight in gold.
It guides you through the coding maze,
With tutorials and examples, all ablaze!

Claude breaks down concepts, bit by bit,
Until your coding skills are a perfect fit.
It’s like a teacher, patient and kind,
Helping you master the programming grind!

Now picture this, a coding dream team,
ChatGPT-4, Gemini, and Claude, supreme!
They work together, hand in hand,
To make your coding journey, simply grand!

With ChatGPT-4’s knowledge, vast and deep,
Gemini’s bug-hunting skills, a perfect sweep,
And Claude’s guidance, wise and true,
There’s no coding challenge you can’t subdue!

But remember, dear coder, don’t be blind,
These AI tools are helpers, not masterminds.
You must still learn, and grow, and strive,
To keep your coding skills alive!

So use them wisely, these AI friends,
As supplements, not means to ends.
They’ll help you grow, and learn, and thrive,
But your own skills, you must still drive!

In the end, it’s a partnership true,
Between human coders and AI tools.
Together we’ll build a world that’s bright,
With software that’s seamless, a pure delight!

So here’s to ChatGPT-4, Gemini, and Claude,
The coding companions, worth applaud!
With their help, and your own might,
You’ll code like a star, shining so bright!

Google Sheets Script to Highlight Duplicate Rows

Here’s a Google Sheets script that finds all duplicates in Column B (food distributors) and creates a clickable button to highlight the duplicate rows in yellow:

function findDuplicates() {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  var duplicates = [];

  // Find duplicates in Column B
  for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
    if (data[i][1] !== "" && data.map(function(row) { return row[1]; }).indexOf(data[i][1]) !== i) {
      duplicates.push(i + 1);

  // Highlight duplicate rows in yellow
  for (var i = 0; i < duplicates.length; i++) {
    sheet.getRange("A" + duplicates[i] + ":Z" + duplicates[i]).setBackground("yellow");

function onOpen() {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var entries = [{
    name : "Find Duplicates",
    functionName : "findDuplicates"
  sheet.addMenu("Custom Menu", entries);

Here’s how the script works:

  1. The findDuplicates function is the main function that finds and highlights the duplicate rows.
    • It retrieves the active sheet and gets all the data from the sheet using getDataRange().getValues().
    • It iterates through the data starting from the second row (index 1) to skip the header row.
    • For each row, it checks if the value in Column B is not empty and if it appears more than once in the data using indexOf().
    • If a duplicate is found, the row number is added to the duplicates array.
    • After finding all the duplicates, it iterates through the duplicates array and highlights each corresponding row in yellow using setBackground("yellow").
  2. The onOpen function is a special function that runs automatically when the Google Sheets file is opened.
    • It creates a custom menu named “Custom Menu” in the Google Sheets UI.
    • It adds a menu item labeled “Find Duplicates” that triggers the findDuplicates function when clicked.

To use this script:

  1. Open your Google Sheets file.
  2. Go to “Tools” > “Script editor” to open the script editor.
  3. Paste the provided code into the script editor, replacing any existing code.
  4. Save the script and close the script editor.
  5. Refresh your Google Sheets file.
  6. You will see a new menu item named “Custom Menu” in the menu bar.
  7. Click on “Custom Menu” and then click on “Find Duplicates” to run the script and highlight the duplicate rows in yellow.

Note: Make sure your data starts from the second row (row 2) and the food distributors are listed in Column B.

Rewrite Referral Program for Moving Company

Earn Extra Cash with Harbor Moving’s 5% Referral Commission!

Unlock Extra Income with Harbor Moving’s Referral Program

Spread the word about Harbor Moving and earn 5% commission on every referral that results in a completed moving job. It’s simple: refer friends, family, or associates who need professional moving services, and we’ll reward you with a cut of the action!

Perfect for Real Estate Professionals and Community Leaders

Are you a realtor, apartment building owner, elder care facility manager, or someone with a vast network of people who frequently move? This is your golden opportunity to earn a substantial side income. Ensure your connections get top-notch moving services while you benefit financially.

Ethical Concerns? Make a Charitable Impact!

Feel uneasy about pocketing the commission? No problem! If you’d rather not accept the commission, we can donate your earnings to a charity of your choice. Not only do you help your network with reliable moving services, but you also contribute to a good cause.

Why Harbor Moving?

  • Top-Notch Service: We handle every move with care and precision.
  • Stress-Free Experience: Our professional team ensures a smooth transition.
  • Trustworthy and Reliable: Your referrals will thank you for recommending us.

Don’t miss out on this chance to earn and give back. Start referring today and watch your earnings grow while making a positive impact! Contact Harbor Moving for more details and get started now.

Web Scraping Real Estate Agents with Python

Here’s a Selenium Python script that scrapes realtor.com for real estate agents in Los Angeles:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC

# Set up the Selenium webdriver (make sure you have the appropriate driver installed)
driver = webdriver.Chrome()  # For Chrome, you can use webdriver.Firefox() for Firefox

# Navigate to the realtor.com search page for Los Angeles real estate agents

# Wait for the agent list to load (adjust the timeout as needed)
agent_list = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
    EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "ul.agent-list"))

# Extract the agent information
agents = agent_list.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "li.agent-item")
for agent in agents:
    name = agent.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.agent-name").text
    phone = agent.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.agent-phone").text
    email = agent.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.agent-email").text
    print(f"Name: {name}")
    print(f"Phone: {phone}")
    print(f"Email: {email}")

# Close the webdriver

This script does the following:

  1. It sets up the Selenium webdriver. Make sure you have the appropriate driver installed for your browser (e.g., ChromeDriver for Chrome).
  2. It navigates to the realtor.com search page for Los Angeles real estate agents.
  3. It waits for the agent list to load using an explicit wait with a timeout of 10 seconds (adjust the timeout as needed).
  4. It extracts the agent information from the loaded agent list. It finds all the agent items using the CSS selector "li.agent-item".
  5. For each agent, it extracts the name, phone number, and email address using the appropriate CSS selectors.
  6. It prints the extracted information for each agent.
  7. Finally, it closes the webdriver.

Note: This script assumes that the structure of the realtor.com website remains the same. If the website’s structure changes, you may need to update the CSS selectors accordingly.Make sure you have Selenium and the appropriate webdriver installed before running the script. You can install Selenium using pip install selenium.

Request beta access by contacting us or joining the Discord server.


Join our Discord, Please!

Matt, Head of Growth:

+1 (510) 600 5735

Text, Call, or Whatsapp

@mattyjacks on Discord


This includes longer informational sections of the features list.

⚡Advanced Features⚡

Multi-Model Prompting

Prompt all the models you want at the same time to get helpful-in-different-ways results.

Integrated Web Search

Simply tell the assistant to search the web as part of the prompt, and a web search will be performed to grab the latest information from the internet to feed into the model’s context. Sometimes the assistant will search the web on its own initiative.

File & Image Uploads

ChatGPT and Claude can understand files, including images and many more formats.


⬆️Future Upgrades⬆️

Custom Prompt Templates

Do a certain thing a lot? Save custom prompt templates and reuse that careful wordsmithing and linguistic automation engineering for next time you do that thing.

Cost & Budget Controls

Set daily, hourly, weekly, and monthly budgets for each individual user, per user group, or for the organization as a whole. Enable warning users when a single prompt will cost over a certain amount, and making the cost of each prompt visible.

Automatic User Monitoring

Make sure that users are only using Octaipus for work related tasks, and are not doing anything inappropriate with company resources. We use AI to scan the chats and user behavior for anything out-of-place for the workplace, and can alert the owners, admins, and staff accounts of any suspicious happenings.

Information Super-Security

Optionally, provision your own Amazon Web Services resources under your own control for maximum control over your company data, or run our locked-down software on-premises for ultimate security.

Image & Art Generation
Realistic Text-to-Speech
Audio & Video Transcription
Browser Extension
Per-Client Workspaces
Desktop & Mobile Apps
Secret Data Censorship

Hide API keys, confidential client information, addresses, human names, phone numbers emails, social security numbers, and so much more from the AI APIs. Optionally, that data won’t even be stored on our servers.

Image Manipulation Tools

Ever wanted to make an image bigger but not lose quality? You can make that happen in just a few seconds with AI Super-Resolution Image Scaling. We’re also going to include Background Removal Tools.